Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Looking around the Internet, I was a little disappointed to find that blogger doesn't natively support Latex. Fortunately there's a nifty program that you can run on a web server that will output latex code as a png.

Let H \leq G and x, y \in G. Then either xH \cap yH = \emptyset or xH = yH.

The two dimentional gradient vector for a function u(x, y) is, \nabla u=\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x},\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}\right).

All made possible thanks to http://www.forkosh.com/mathtex.html - cheers!

Monday, 19 January 2009


This journal (I hate the word blog) is going to be a place for me to organise my thoughts. I intend to list projects I'd like to do and follow them through development with regular posts showing the problems I encounter. I hope maybe it can be of use to others as well, but that is not my primary motive. Anyway, if you're actually reading this I must have done something right.

The list of projects I'd like to complete:

  • Collada loader
  • Decent text rendering
  • Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO)
  • A simple memory allocation tracker
  • Light perspective shadow maps
  • Self-shadowed normal mapping
  • Rain on glass shader
  • Efficient perlin noise generated terrain with dynamic LOD
  • Sky dome with vertex shader to interpolate given colours
    • Real time modification of shader inputs

Also my loan came through last night so I went on a shopping spree. I ended up buying:

I'll try and do a brief review of them when I'm done reading.